Join me in Terri Brush Academy for the

The Charmer Bracelets online class
Price $85.00 

You must Join  to view this class .
 After Purchase it will be located in your Portfolio . make sure the email address I get from your paypal is the same you have here or I cannot ad you to this class  ! .. 
This Online class will never expire and is open to watch 24/7  from your own home ! 
We will be working with Sterling silver , copper and spool  lead free solder ! a good combo of lots of ways to solder !
We will make several different style bracelets ! 
 You will need a micro torch, and a soldering iron in the class... 
 we learn to solder lots of elements, loops, and design work ! . 

This online class opens  October 5th 
Supply Lists opens a few days prior.. 
112 Students