
Current Academy Network status: All workshops are running as intended. We are experiencing no network issues at this time.

Missing workshops: If workshop(s) you purchased are missing from your "My Portfolio" please complete the missing workshop form.  (Our goal is to have all access issues resolved or addressed within 24 hours of submission. However, please expect delays during our migration period.)

NOTE:  If you are not able to see the videos, your internet browser may not be compatible with the Ning format.  First try doing a software update on your computer, and if that doesn't work - Google Chrome tends to be the most compatible with Ning.


Before contacting us, please read the following:

  1. All videos are working properly.
  2. If you are having problems such as freezing up, videos not playing, etc. please check your internet connection. If it is slow it will take a while for the videos to load.
  3. Clear your computers cache and cookies. Typically, this resolves 90% of viewing issues.
  4. Do a hard refresh of your browser.
  5. Try a different browser.  Google Chrome plays best with NING.
  6. Make sure to check your internet settings to make sure you are using the most up-to-date version.  Sometimes these things can cause problems in viewing videos.
  7. Make sure you are clicking on the correct workshop if you cannot access the workshop page.
  8. Please make sure Adobe Flash is running the current version.

If you are still having trouble, please contact us at and include the following information:

  • What operating system are you using?
  • What browser are you using?
  • Please be specific about what is not working.  “I can’t view the video” is not specific enough for me to help you.

            I am seeing a black box where the video should be.
            I am seeing an error message: __________________________.
            I can’t log in.

  • Send a screen shot of what you are seeing, if you can.